Companies with multiple stakeholders, as well as companies planning to list In the parallel market (Nomo) or the capital market, as well as companies that show signs of disagreement between partners, all of these companies urgently and urgently need governance, by building systems and controls and establishing rules through which the company Is led and directed, and Includes mechanisms to regulate the various relations between the Board of Directors, executives, shareholders and stakeholders, by developing special procedures to facilitate the process of taking Decisions and giving them a transparent and credible character In order to protect the rights of shareholders and stakeholders and achieve justice, competitiveness and transparency in the market and work environment. Investors often turn to those with expertise to apply the governance they Invest In due to lack of time. From this standpoint, there is a need to apply governance through ASDAF, which has sufficient cumulative experience to apply governance principles in any company, regardless of Its activity or size.