• Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
    Riyadh, Southern Ring Road, Exit 20
  • +966599861872
  • 9:00am to 5:00pm
    From Saturday until Thursday

About our company

10Years of excellence in business development

Asdaf Business Services Company provides a wide range of administrative and financial consulting to companies, institutions and commercial activities operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia market. Asdaf Company provides its consulting services in an innovative, professional environment in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

تحليل اعمال شركة اسداف

Why Choose Us

The efforts of the ASDAF team are focused on achieving the three-dimensional consulting business model for excellence, represented by (assessment, evaluation, value creation). We believe that achieving this model depends on achieving the three main dimensions. Ensuring the accuracy of the evaluation is our responsibility, ensuring the effectiveness of the evaluation is our mission, and ensuring the achievement of value is our common goal with the client.
Team Members
Satisfied Clients
New Projects
Profit Increased
Want to make new project? contact with us. Our experts is ready to help you
a. Saleh bin Mohsen Al-Wadaei
Chairman of ASDF Board of Dire...
M. Mustafa Salah Safi
Food Safety Systems Consultant...
Aliwa Sayed Zaki
Experience in accounting
إعادة هيكلة الشركات الناشئة
إعادة هيكلة الشركات الناشئة هي عملية معقدة تتطلب تخطيطًا دقيقًا وتنفيذًا محكمًا. هنا بعض الخطوات الأساسية التي يمكن اتباعها لإعادة بناء الشركة ووضعها...
نموذج التطوير التنظيمي للموارد البشرية
مكن اعتبار التطوير التنظيمي عملية تخطيط وتنظيم وتحسين للمنشئة بشكل عام والموارد البشرية بشكل خاص ويمكن تقسيم التطوير التنظيمي للموارد البشرية (تطوير ا...
استراتيجية الحوكمة والالتزام والمخاطر واستمرارية الأعمال GRC & Business Continuity
استراتيجية الحوكمة والالتزام والمخاطر واستمرارية الأعمال GRC & Business Continuity

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